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October 3 - October 24, 2018

Green Sanctuary Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Food Smart Seafood Choices
    Many states and countries have advisories on eating fish. Find out what is advised for your region. Do you think your diet choices fall within these guidelines? What steps do you need to take to make sure that they do?

    Sid McCausland's avatar
    Sid McCausland 10/24/2018 1:33 PM
    My diet is rich in "approved" seafoods, probably to the point that my level of consumption is not sustainable if everyone else followed my lead. Maybe I need to begin by reducing the amount of seafood in my diet.
    Food Reduce Animal Products
    What do you think contributes to people in North America eating more meat than in other places, and what does this say about North American values and ways of living? How do we start shifting a meat-focused food culture?

    Sid McCausland's avatar
    Sid McCausland 10/24/2018 1:31 PM
    Billions upon billions of dollars are spent advertising the seductive mouth watering "appeal" of meat as if we were all carnivores. While most of the World's population can not afford meat, Americans have tended to shy away from the protein rich staples that make vegetarian diets work, probably because there are virtually no adds touting the sexual prowess of rice and beans.
    So we start by placing rice and bean commercials on the next Victoria's Secret fashion show.
    Food Choose Organic Ingredients
    Can organic farming feed the world? Which side of the argument do you fall on? Why?

    Sid McCausland's avatar
    Sid McCausland 10/24/2018 1:25 PM
    Without more efforts to constrain population growth, no method will be sustainable. However, reducing the consumption of animal products (including seafood) and making vegetarian menus more socially cache will go a long way toward making organic farming a viable component of future food security. 
    Food Whole Foods Diet
    Michael Pollan states that "it is better to pay the grocer (our edit: or the farmer!) than the doctor." What are your thoughts on this?

    Sid McCausland's avatar
    Sid McCausland 10/24/2018 1:22 PM
    the farmer holds our future in her hands. the medical profession is so driven by demands for profit that it can not longer be considered health care. 
    Community Express My Support
    What sustainability issues are most pressing or prominent where you live?

    Sid McCausland's avatar
    Sid McCausland 10/24/2018 1:20 PM
    food security, recondition & reuse, reducing fossil fuel dependency, simplifying lifestyle for all (less fad driven consumption).
    Community Support Native Communities
    Indigenous speaker and activist Winona LaDuke says that, "most indigenous ceremonies, if you look to their essence, are about the restoration of balance — they are a reaffirmation of our relationship to creation. That is our intent: to restore, and then to retain balance and honor our part in creation." Why is balance important to sustainability?

    Sid McCausland's avatar
    Sid McCausland 10/24/2018 1:18 PM
    when predator and prey become unbalanced all hell breaks loose
    Community Connect with a Nonprofit
    What inspires you to act toward a more sustainable community?

    Sid McCausland's avatar
    Sid McCausland 10/07/2018 7:50 PM
    Our grandchildren's burden due to our neglect
    Community Support Businesses Owned by People of Color
    Keen Independent Research Foundation conducted a recent study that highlights the disparities in the availability of city contracts and loans to businesses, and how this disparity correlates to owners as people of color. The study showed that Minority businesses enterprises (MBEs) are more likely to have difficulties in receiving loans or city contracts. In what ways can you address systemic racism?

    Sid McCausland's avatar
    Sid McCausland 10/07/2018 7:48 PM
    Be part of Poor People's Campaign
    Community Volunteer in my Community
    What is one thing you can do to help your community become more sustainable?

    Sid McCausland's avatar
    Sid McCausland 10/07/2018 7:46 PM
    encourage engagement by all