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October 3 - October 24, 2018

La Cite universitaire francophone Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Marie-France Girardin's avatar
    Marie-France Girardin 10/24/2018 10:55 AM
    Instead of shredding paper, we accumulate in a box and give it to daycare centers.

  • Marie-France Girardin's avatar
    Marie-France Girardin 10/23/2018 9:59 AM
    I am sharing more and more how destructive for the environment some habits are and ways to change those bad behaviors.

  • Marie-France Girardin's avatar
    Marie-France Girardin 10/22/2018 9:40 AM
    Sent an email to appropriate department for waste of water that can be avoided by simply adjusting water temperature.  Without going into many details, I need to press at least 3 times the shower control  before the water that comes out is not burning hot. 

  • Marie-France Girardin's avatar
    Marie-France Girardin 10/18/2018 3:06 PM
    Share with a friend many ways to reduce printing material or paper (pay bills via internet, smartphone  app)

  • Marie-France Girardin's avatar
    Marie-France Girardin 10/18/2018 3:03 PM
    Shared with my colleagues a better way to clean our dishes at lunch time, reducing usage of water and soap.

  • Marie-France Girardin's avatar
    Marie-France Girardin 10/16/2018 8:39 AM
    Whenever I am offered a plastic bags at a store, I say I don't need one and usually I will have with me a reusable bag or a purse big enough for small items.

  • Marie-France Girardin's avatar
    Marie-France Girardin 10/09/2018 3:06 PM
    I have been thinking of ways to print less. Instead of printing emails that require follow ups, I add detailed notes to my to-do list and file my email in a to-do folder (task list), or use a post-it and add it to the file that needs to be dealt with.