Congrats to all teams on their effort and impact!
For more inspiration and impact, see the Event Summary. is powered by Northwest Earth Institute, a sustainability organization that provides innovative social and digital tools designed to change the way individuals live in and interact with natural and built environments.
We envision a world where everyone has the hunger and power to collectively learn and act on solutions to transform environmental and social systems, and heal our connection to each other and Earth. Learn More > > is powered by Northwest Earth Institute, a sustainability organization that provides innovative social and digital tools designed to change the way individuals live in and interact with natural and built environments.
We envision a world where everyone has the hunger and power to collectively learn and act on solutions to transform environmental and social systems, and heal our connection to each other and Earth. Learn More > >
2018 People's Ecochallenge participants
HealthI will write down three things every day that I am grateful for, or send one email every day thanking or praising someone.
WasteI will avoid sending up to .69 lbs (.31 kg) of food waste to the landfill each day by composting my food or learning how to.
Collective Impact
View total impactParticipant Feed
October 28 at 9:26 AMI believe it could if it was widely accepted. I have really enjoyed working on my family farm and raising cattle
October 21 at 11:19 AMI enjoyed my food more and talking with family.
October 21 at 11:19 AMI felt a bit bored and isolated at times. At other times, it was good to get out.