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October 3 - October 24, 2018
Jeffrey Berg's avatar

Jeffrey Berg

WSP USA & Friends


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Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Jeffrey Berg's avatar
    Jeffrey Berg 10/24/2018 7:44 AM
    A neighbor keeps bees that feed and pollinate in our garden. It's been a great learning experience being a small part of the process, just taking care of plants. We have not been stung, and we get some of the honey.

  • Jeffrey Berg's avatar
    Jeffrey Berg 10/23/2018 8:40 AM
    I am preparing a talk on daylighting, specifically active core sunlighting, to give at the Architecture Boston Expo 2018.

  • Jeffrey Berg's avatar
    Jeffrey Berg 10/22/2018 6:18 AM
    I discussed food waste composting in Cambridge, MA with a friend and discovered it's not as straightforward as I thought. The directions for what's appropriate for curb side collection need to be clarified. Still, Cambridge has diverted over a million pounds of food waste from landfills since this Spring. 

  • Jeffrey Berg's avatar
    Jeffrey Berg 10/18/2018 5:49 AM
    I commute, and occasionally go to meetings, by mass transit.

  • Jeffrey Berg's avatar
    Jeffrey Berg 10/18/2018 5:38 AM
    In preparation for a talk on active core sunlighting I have been corresponding with designers of optics and manufacturers of sunlighting systems.

  • Jeffrey Berg's avatar
    Jeffrey Berg 10/15/2018 5:25 AM
    In the news today, a utility company is cutting power to neighborhoods to reduce the risk of wildfires. I see an argument here of increased use of distributed - and renewable - power generation.