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October 3 - October 24, 2018
Robyn Brooks's avatar

Robyn Brooks



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Clear my freezer/eat what's in stock

I have a lot of food in my freezer and I'd like to clear it out and not buy more things until I've eaten what I already have.


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  • Robyn Brooks's avatar
    Robyn Brooks 10/24/2018 8:40 AM
    While I did make a dent on my freezer food, I did eat at restaurants more than I thought I would and bought additional food, to go with what I had in my freezer and cupboards.  I think I could have done better and will continue to try to clear out my cupboards and freezer.

  • Robyn Brooks's avatar
    Robyn Brooks 10/19/2018 7:25 AM
    I'm trying to clear my cupboards along with my freezer and I came upon a can of pears that expired in 2016.  I tried eating them because why not, but they were a little off (can't imagine why!).  Anyhow, making progress on the freezer. :-)

  • Robyn Brooks's avatar
    Robyn Brooks 10/11/2018 8:43 AM
    Last night I ate cucumbers that had been in my fridge for a while, but out of my garden, with some leftover cherry tomatoes (also out of my garden), yum!

  • Robyn Brooks's avatar
    Robyn Brooks 10/11/2018 8:43 AM
    Hash brown casserole, modified from original recipe, turned out to be really good!  Never had it before. 

  • Robyn Brooks's avatar
    Robyn Brooks 10/09/2018 8:55 AM
    Tonight it's hashbrown casserole!

  • Robyn Brooks's avatar
    Robyn Brooks 10/04/2018 10:50 AM
    So far so good.  I found two potatoes in my fridge and a veggie loaf in the freezer, which combined into several meals.