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October 3 - October 24, 2018
Dearing English's avatar

Dearing English

Starbucks Partners for Sustainability


  • 0 TODAY
  • 554 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    traveled by bike
  • UP TO
    not traveled by car
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    being mindful
  • UP TO
    more servings
    of fruits and vegetables
  • UP TO
    zero-waste meals

Dearing's actions


More Fruits and Veggies

I will eat a heart healthy diet by adding 2 cup(s) of fruits and vegetables each day to achieve at least 4 cups per day.



Weekly Meal Planning

I will reduce food waste and save money by planning a weekly menu, only buying the ingredients I need.



Go by Bike

I will commute by bike 6 mile(s) each day and avoid sending up to 5.15 lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.



Eat Mindfully

I will eat all of my meals without distractions, e.g., phone, computer, TV, or newspaper.



Zero-Waste Cooking

I will cook 1 meal(s) with zero-waste each day


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Dearing English's avatar
    Dearing English 10/24/2018 9:07 PM
    This challenge was really great. Nice work, partners! I hope we do it again in the future! 
    Health More Fruits and Veggies
    What do you think contributes to people in North America eating more meat than any other places, and what does this say about North American values and ways of living? How can we start shifting from a meat-focused food culture to a more plant-based one?

    Dearing English's avatar
    Dearing English 10/24/2018 8:15 AM
    I think what helped me in my shift to plant-based meals was to try new recipes that are not exactly replacements of meals I used to eat when I was eating meat. For example, I have not found a stellar veggie lasagna that is exactly like the meat one I used to love. But, I have found really awesome pasta dishes that are plant-based. For me, this shift from comparing dishes to my old favorite based on what it was missing to celebrating how delish a new dish tastes, has helped me feel like I have not lost anything. I have actually only gained new recipes and dishes!

  • Dearing English's avatar
    Dearing English 10/23/2018 7:53 PM
    Hi! So in my last post, I had hoped that my bike commute home (basically all uphill) would be getting easier with some more consistency.. Two fun things happened today: I noticed on my way in, on the tiny uphill section, that I didn’t have to down shift all the way. And on my ride home tonight, I got a new PR on one of the hill sections! Not by much, but this was against my fastest time (and previous PR) when a coyote crossed in from of me the other night and I didn’t want to dilly dally. 😋 I think this is the beginning of my consistency paying off!

  • Dearing English's avatar
    Dearing English 10/18/2018 7:16 PM
    I'm really excited about how this challenge has been helping me bike to work so much this month. I just tallied it up and it looks like I am already double the amount of miles I did in September! I'll admit though, I do end up hanging out at work longer than usual after my shifts because I dread biking back up the hill to my house. I bet though in with another week of consistent riding it will start getting easier, right? :)
    Simplicity Eat Mindfully
    Mindful eating is healthier for us than eating with distractions. How do your eating experiences differ when practicing mindfulness?

    Dearing English's avatar
    Dearing English 10/03/2018 3:16 PM
    I find that when I eat mindfully, I am more aware of the flavor of my food and tend to enjoy it a lot more. I also have the chance to deepen my relationship with the person I am eating with. In the times where I am eating by myself, I often enjoy the reflection on the day or thoughts of the future. This is what I enjoy the most about mindful eating! :)
    Food Weekly Meal Planning
    An average American throws out about 240 lbs of food per year. The average family of four spends $1,500 a year on food that they throw out. Does this surprise you? Where would you rather use this money?

    Dearing English's avatar
    Dearing English 10/03/2018 3:14 PM
    This does surprise me considering how hard we all seem to work for our money and how desperately we all need it. To be just throwing away this money is quite sad. When I think about what that food represents (all of the work that went into getting it to the fridge that it ended up rotting in) it makes me even sadder. I would rather save the money so that one day I may spend time with my family instead of working!
    Transportation Go by Bike
    How do your transportation choices affect your engagement in your community? Does your experience differ while walking, riding transit, biking or driving?

    Dearing English's avatar
    Dearing English 10/03/2018 3:12 PM
    Today on my bike ride home I was able to see lots of the little birds in our neighborhood that I would have otherwise missed while driving. My route home is mostly uphill, so I get to go pretty slowly and take in all the birds along the way. I was also able to notice that a neighbor's flowers are just starting to bloom!
    Food Zero-Waste Cooking
    In North America, up to 65% of food waste happens at the consumer level. Chef Steven Satterfield advocates for utilizing every part of a vegetable. How can you incorporate using an entire vegetable, including the skins, tops, and stalks during your next meal prep?

    Dearing English's avatar
    Dearing English 10/03/2018 3:09 PM
    We have a section in our freezer dedicated to the ends of produce that can be turned into veggie stock, orange/lime/lemon peels, and a section for veggies that can not be eaten further and will be composted. We're trying to get in the habit of making stock every week to utilize the veggie ends we are saving!