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![Lincoln Herman's avatar](/images/thumb/missing.png)
Lincoln Herman
- 172 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO8.0disposable cupsnot sent to the landfill
UP TO80plastic bottlesnot sent to the landfill
UP TO120minutesspent learning
UP TO8.0poundswaste composted
Lincoln's actions
Compost Food Waste
I will avoid sending up to .69 lbs (.31 kg) of food waste to the landfill each day by composting my food or learning how to.
Use a Reusable Mug
I will avoid sending 1 disposable cup(s) to the landfill each day by using a reusable mug.
Use a Reusable Water Bottle
I will keep 10 disposable plastic bottle(s) from entering the waste stream by using a reusable water bottle.
Recycle Everything I Can
Contamination prevents what is recyclable from being recycled. I will spend 15 minutes researching and recycling all materials that are accepted by local haulers or drop stations in my community.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
REFLECTION QUESTIONWaste Use a Reusable MugMaybe you've heard how good it is to switch from a single use coffee cup to a reuseable one but it's just hard to make the switch. Think about what stands in your way of making this a habit. By identifying the challenges, you can begin to work through them to have better success in taking this action. Knowing the difference you are making, how does it make you feel?
REFLECTION QUESTIONWaste Use a Reusable Water BottleWhile water bottles serve an important role in places for health and safety, we can do more to reduce the unnecessary use of them. Can you identify the barriers in making this a new habit? How can you set yourself up for success in making this a permanent change?
REFLECTION QUESTIONWaste Recycle Everything I CanWhat have you learned about what is accepted by local haulers for recycling, what you can drop off or ship to certain places, and what is not recyclable in your area? What is the most difficult part of recycling for you?
Lincoln Herman 10/16/2018 6:52 AMIt is difficult to know what goes in to the waste stream and where with some haulers.