Diamond Lopez
"to make the world a better place because trump cant do it "
- 168 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO4.0public officials or leaderscontacted
UP TO2.0lightbulbsreplaced
UP TO4.0minutesspent outdoors
UP TO1.0neighbormet
UP TO2.0peoplehelped
UP TO4.0minutesspent exercising
Diamond 's actions
Adjust the Thermostat
I will adjust my thermostat down 2 degrees from usual when I use the heat, and up 2 degrees when I use air conditioning.
Choose LED Bulbs
I will replace 2 incandescent lightbulb(s) with Energy Star-certified LED bulbs, saving up to $14 per fixture per year.
Help Others
I will offer to help 2 person(s) who are in need each day.
Advocate for Green Spaces
I will call or write 4 public official(s) each day to advocate for more green spaces around my town.
Go for a Daily Walk
I will take a 4-minute walk outside each day.
Meet My Neighbors
I will meet 1 new neighbor(s) each day.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
REFLECTION QUESTIONNature Go for a Daily WalkHow do you experience your neighborhood or city differently when walking instead of driving?
Diamond Lopez 10/23/2018 11:54 AMits more work and more relaxing to see new things you did not see before . -
REFLECTION QUESTIONNature Advocate for Green SpacesWhat does nature provide for you?
REFLECTION QUESTIONCommunity Help OthersIn your opinion, how do social inequalities diminish a strong sense of community?
REFLECTION QUESTIONCommunity Meet My NeighborsIn what ways can you create more real, face-to-face interactions with friends — or strangers — each week?
REFLECTION QUESTIONEnergy Choose LED BulbsChanging lightbulbs is an excellent first step toward energy efficiency! In what other ways can you exercise your civic duty to protect the environment and reduce carbon emissions?
Diamond Lopez 10/18/2018 11:20 AMI do not use my tv and i spend more time on homework and with my fam -
REFLECTION QUESTIONEnergy Adjust the ThermostatYour utility company is able to tell you your average energy usage. Ask them how your energy usage compares to others in your zipcode, and in your state. What other steps can you take each day to reduce your electricity usage?
Diamond Lopez 10/18/2018 11:18 AMYou can use less energy in the afternoon to save money and energy.