![Melanie Lulue's avatar](https://ecochallenge-production.sfo3.digitaloceanspaces.com/public/user/47742/avatar/thumb-e4309ab9b3a621188b8124e7b11a3bb3.jpg)
![Melanie Lulue's avatar](https://ecochallenge-production.sfo3.digitaloceanspaces.com/public/user/47742/avatar/thumb-e4309ab9b3a621188b8124e7b11a3bb3.jpg)
Melanie Lulue
"To better my health by eating more plant foods!"
- 1,052 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO8.0hoursvolunteered
UP TO10disposable cupsnot sent to the landfill
UP TO1.0lightbulbreplaced
UP TO5.0plastic bottlesnot sent to the landfill
UP TO264gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO30minutesspent learning
UP TO1.0energy auditconducted
UP TO22meatless or vegan mealsconsumed
Melanie's actions
De-Clutter My Home
I will de-clutter, clean, and donate or recycle unneeded items in my home.
Volunteer in my Community
I will volunteer 8 hour(s) in my community during the challenge.
Reduce Animal Products
I will enjoy 1 meatless meal(s) and/or 0 vegan meal(s) each day this week.
Conserve Toilet Water
I will save up to 12 gallons (45 L) of water a day by flushing only when necessary.
Choose LED Bulbs
I will replace 1 incandescent lightbulb(s) with Energy Star-certified LED bulbs, saving up to $14 per fixture per year.
Online Energy Audit
I will complete an online energy audit of my home, office, or dorm room and identify my next steps for saving energy.
Learn More about Food Deserts
I will spend 15 minutes learning about food deserts and find out how I can advocate for healthy and fresh food in my region.
Support Local Pollinators
At least 30% of crops and 90% of flowering plants rely on pollinators to produce fruit. I will spend 15 minutes researching which plants support local native pollinators and plant some in my yard.
Use a Reusable Mug
I will avoid sending 2 disposable cup(s) to the landfill each day by using a reusable mug.
Use a Reusable Water Bottle
I will keep 1 disposable plastic bottle(s) from entering the waste stream by using a reusable water bottle.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
REFLECTION QUESTIONWaste Use a Reusable MugMaybe you've heard how good it is to switch from a single use coffee cup to a reuseable one but it's just hard to make the switch. Think about what stands in your way of making this a habit. By identifying the challenges, you can begin to work through them to have better success in taking this action. Knowing the difference you are making, how does it make you feel?
Melanie Lulue 10/24/2018 8:58 AMI support many causes and I have several ceramic mugs to use and I trade them out at the office. I use them approximately 95% of the time. The occasions I don't is when I'm at work and I will some times grab a paper cup as a convenience if I have forgotten my ceramic mug at home. I take it home to clean at the end of the week. I've gotten better at putting them back into my work bag so I don't leave them as often at home. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONWaste Use a Reusable Water BottleWhile water bottles serve an important role in places for health and safety, we can do more to reduce the unnecessary use of them. Can you identify the barriers in making this a new habit? How can you set yourself up for success in making this a permanent change?
Melanie Lulue 10/24/2018 8:53 AMI bought a steel 30 oz water bottle with a metal straw and I use it almost every day! I bring it to work every day and refill it as needed. At home, if I am going out, I use it so I'm not needing to stop and get something to drink. Plastic water bottles are convenient, but I only use them if I'm going to an event for several hours such as volunteering so I can refill my steel water bottle. I then recycle the empty plastic water bottles once I get home. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONNature Support Local PollinatorsWhy is it important to take care of pollinators?
Melanie Lulue 10/24/2018 6:48 AMWithout pollinators we would not have food or fresh air! Yes, a bee may seem pesky because they may sting, but they are our friends and help with growth of our foods. Did you know one little bat can eat up to 1000 mosquitos and they help pollinate our plants and trees too! Trees provide oxygen! Be(e) kind to our pollinators! -
REFLECTION QUESTIONEnergy Choose LED BulbsChanging lightbulbs is an excellent first step toward energy efficiency! In what other ways can you exercise your civic duty to protect the environment and reduce carbon emissions?
Melanie Lulue 10/24/2018 6:42 AMUsing you air conditioner and heating system for every degree above 78 in the summer and less than 68 in the winter saves electricity which will reduce carbon emissions. Car pool or use public transportation if you live to far to walk or bike to work and reduce use of fossil fuels. -
Melanie Lulue 10/24/2018 6:22 AMToday is the last day of the EcoChallenge! Have you made a difference and done all you can in the 22 days? Did you learn things to use going forward? The biggest thing I've learned is little changes can have a huge impact! We are finally experiencing fall temperatures here in central Florida (Orlando area) and I've had my windows opened since Sunday morning! My AC is thanking me and so is the electrical grid and I've reduced my carbon footprint by doing so! I will be volunteering again this Saturday and the next two Saturdays will be doing other activities that are outdoors. When the temps are cooler I practically live on my screened in patio in the backyard and I love watching my babies, birds and squirrels, that I feed. I'm also planning to clean up my bicycle and start riding the trails! I love nature and we need to respect it! After all we only have one Mother Earth!
Meghan Jones 10/24/2018 9:36 AMThat's awesome that you've been opening your windows to the fall air! I am from the Gulf Coast and know how difficult it can be to make that switch in a humid and AC-centric environment. Keep up the great work!
REFLECTION QUESTIONCommunity Volunteer in my CommunityWhat is one thing you can do to help your community become more sustainable?
Melanie Lulue 10/24/2018 6:03 AMI volunteer for a non-profit organization that reflects on coexisting with nature including animals. We focus on being kind to Mother Nature and respect to all living things! Florida is known for black bears and central Florida has their share. We teach how to avoid contact with bears and what you should do if you encounter one. We also teach about the dangers of plastics and trash in our oceans. We do a beach cleanup every year on the west coast of Florida in the Tampa area. This past Saturday I volunteered with them at the Florida Wildlife Festival in Umatilla and we reached about 300 people! I recycle all I can at my home and we recycle in the Orlando office! We are making a difference! -
REFLECTION QUESTIONHealth Learn More about Food DesertsWhat are the implications of access to nutritious food for a community?
Melanie Lulue 10/23/2018 6:40 AMIf we make nutritious food more affordable and accessible, then people will choose it over unhealthy foods. Processed foods are cheaper and easier, but nutritious foods can be just as easy to cook/consume if we make it more affordable. People don't choose to be unhealthy. They become unhealthy because of what they can afford to eat! Yes, most of us love fried chicken, but it should be a treat, not a way of life because that is all a person can afford to eat. I grew up eating vegetables and love them today. My mother was a good cook and I'd eat things adults today would run from. I grew up at a time you ate what was in front of you or you didn't eat. We weren't rich either, but my mother made sure we ate good. I love to eat healthy and I know it's because of all the vegetables I ate as a child. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONEnergy Online Energy AuditWhat most interested or surprised you about your own energy footprint?
Melanie Lulue 10/22/2018 1:17 PMMy home is CBS and was built energy efficient. My appliances (HVAC) have been updated since I bought the home in 2000. I also upgraded the windows to double paned for better insulation and to withstand 130 mph winds. I've also installed 2 storm doors. I do plan to update the insulation in the attic. It recommended a programmable thermostat, but I already have one installed and I keep it at 80 degrees when I'm away in the summer and 68 degrees in the winter. When I'm at home I keep it at 78 degrees (summer) and 70 degrees (winter). Interesting evaluation! -
REFLECTION QUESTIONWater Conserve Toilet WaterWhat would a sustainable water future in your region look like? What needs to change?
Melanie Lulue 10/18/2018 5:14 AMWe need to focus on water conservation and can do so with landscape that is drought friendly instead of forcing communities to have a lush green yard and waste water using an irrigation system. There are many plants that are beautiful and require much less water than a yard full of St. Augustine grass. -
Melanie Lulue 10/17/2018 11:44 AMWe're on the home stretch with one week to go! My continuing goal is to keep going with my selected challenges beyond 10/24/18. It's amazing how one little change as flushing the toilet only when needed or changing out an incandescent light bulb to an LED can make such an impact on our environment. Do you plan to keep going with your challenges after this competition ends? Will you add more challenges? I'm always looking for ways to improve the environment! After all, we only have one Mother Earth! We need to show her some LOVE!