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October 3 - October 24, 2018
Kerri Russ's avatar

Kerri Russ

Washington County


  • 0 TODAY
  • 610 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    energy audit
  • UP TO
    being mindful
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors
  • UP TO
    of additional sleep
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved

Kerri's actions


Online Energy Audit

I will complete an online energy audit of my home, office, or dorm room and identify my next steps for saving energy.



Advocate For More Food Packaging Options

I will advocate for alternatives to single-use packaging at local grocery stores, markets, at work, or on campus.



Needs Vs. Wants

I will adopt a "Needs Vs. Wants" approach and only buy things I need.



5-Minute Showers

I will save up to 20 gallons (75 L) of water each day by taking 5-minute showers.




I will meditate or create a moment of silence for 5 minute(s) each day to reflect on things important to me.



Healthy Sleep

Effectively working for sustainability requires self care! I will commit to getting 30 more minute(s) of sleep each night to achieve at least 7 hours per night.



Practice Gratitude for Earth

I will spend 15 minute(s) each day outside, practicing gratitude (prayer, meditation, journaling, etc.) for Earth and the nature surrounding me.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Kerri Russ's avatar
    Kerri Russ 10/24/2018 8:46 AM
    I do feel like the actions I've taken this month have helped me, my family, and my community.  It's not easy to make these types of changes and I'm hoping I can do more now that I've had a good start!

  • Kerri Russ's avatar
    Kerri Russ 10/16/2018 3:52 PM
    I need to be more active... but I fell 2 months ago (sideways to the cement garage floor) and my left knee is extremely sensitive right now.  If I sit for more than 15 minutes without standing up, my knee locks up and I feel like my great grandmother trying to stand up.  After a few steps, I'm good.  Going down stairs is right out... each step down causes knee pain.

    So... how do I work on being more active when walking distances, like I used to do, is painful and I fear another fall?   We've got a Bowflex... but I can count on one hand how many times any of the 3 of us in the house has used it since we got it 15 years ago.  We've also got a treadmill and a smaller stationary bike that can collapse for storage.

    I'm going to challenge myself to do one of those this week... I can do my arms on the Bowflex without any issues with my knee.  I can do the treadmill for 15 minutes at a time, prepared to stop if my knee has issues.  The bike... I doubt I can use the bike... it is set for my husband and the seat is just too high.

    But I have 2 options right now... I must try them... I must get more active!
    Energy Online Energy Audit
    What most interested or surprised you about your own energy footprint?

    Kerri Russ's avatar
    Kerri Russ 10/11/2018 10:54 AM
    My personal energy footprint should be lower than it is.  I drive a Prius (and have for 12 years), my husband drives an electric car, we have renewable energy, we've switched to the compact fluorescent light bulbs throughout the house, we do almost solely online billing and bill-pay, and we rarely use the heater in the house.  We need to downsize our dwelling, install some sort of renewable power source, and reduce paper consumption.

    • Jennifer Nelson's avatar
      Jennifer Nelson 10/11/2018 11:44 AM
      I was really surprised myself how much the size of a home matters for footprint.
    Waste Advocate For More Food Packaging Options
    What concerns you the most about how we are affecting the planet? Consider both local and global actions.

    Kerri Russ's avatar
    Kerri Russ 10/11/2018 10:51 AM
    The number of global warming deniers really has me concerned and the fact that a healthy number of those in Congress aren't concerned is concerning.  They don't understand the science so to them, it must not be real.  Global warming is the reason for a large number of our current weather conditions and catastrophes.  Only a concerned effort by the inhabitants of the entire PLANET will help at this point and I fear it's just too late.

  • Kerri Russ's avatar
    Kerri Russ 10/10/2018 3:45 PM
    My husband and I had discussions early in our marriage about "need" vs. "want."  I believe that distinction is different for men and women, and I don't think we even think about it much.  Men have traditionally been in charge of the purse strings in most relationships and women are in charge of the home.  Control of money and housewifery are concepts that have changed tremendously over the last several decades as more and more women have high-powered and high-paying jobs and more men are taking care of the children and homes when possible.  But men are all about need, ruled by the intellect or brain... I need this to complete this task, I need that so this person can do whatever...  usually for the home or family in general.  If it's not "needed," there's no reason to have it.  Women tend to be more in touch with emotions... this would be nice to have, so and so would like to have this, I'm sure.  These lines blur, of course, among individuals, but at least that's what I've found from my observances of our family, my folks, and others I know.

    I know I'm ruled by my wants rather than my needs.  My husband tends to buy things we need... new skillet, new garbage disposal, new cordless rechargeable vacuum cleaner, etc.  Things for the family to use but rarely things he really wants (and he just doesn't want many things).  I, on the other hand, NEED to buy crafting supplies and clothes (for all of us) and decorations and food that isn't needed for a recipe.  These are all things that are usually for me, personally or to use to create, and usually benefit no one.

    So that is why I chose the need vs. want challenge.  I wanted to challenge myself to THINK about my purchases or my wants and match them more closely to my needs.  I know I want to buy several more dozen strands of stone beads for my jewelry projects but with more beads than I know what to do with now, do I NEED those new beads?  No.  I WANT them.  Therefore, I didn't buy them.  I visited a clothing website to find a cute T-shirt for Halloween.  In the process, I found a few other shirts on sale.  They're ON SALE!  But do I need more shirts?  Nope... not unless I buy a new closet, too.  So... I didn't buy them.

    Two victories in the need vs. want column.  It's an ongoing challenge, but one that I need to continue.  I was thinking maybe when I have these victories, I put whatever money I WOULD HAVE spent into the savings account, see how fast it will grow NOT spending that money.  It's worth a look-see!

    How do YOU deal with wants vs. needs?

    • Jennifer Nelson's avatar
      Jennifer Nelson 10/11/2018 11:48 AM
      I honestly struggle with this. As a second hand shopper, my guilt over it is reduced somewhat, but that doesn't help much with the wallet impact. It's something I should do some work on, maybe as a new year's resolution.

    • Gregory Gomez's avatar
      Gregory Gomez 10/10/2018 4:06 PM
      Good observation Kerry.  Like you, I have to ponder the wants/needs debate seriously when it comes to the buy decision.  Great example for me is tonight's dinner...I have enough leftovers to make a meal at home, but I'd sure love a plate of some pasta from one of my favorite Italian places in my neighborhood.

  • Kerri Russ's avatar
    Kerri Russ 10/09/2018 11:50 AM
    The weather right now is exactly why we live in Oregon.  When it goes overcast and rainy, we're in heaven in our house.  The windows go open so air can come in.  We go for more walks, even though it means soaked clothing and foggy glasses.  We sit in the house, bundled up and binging our favorite shows.  Our big family holiday, Thanksgiving is on the horizon, as is my husband's Halloween birthday (just like my dad before him!), so this season is our time to come out of our hot weather cocoon and enjoy nature in all of her wet glory.

    What is your favorite season and why?

    • Jennifer Nelson's avatar
      Jennifer Nelson 10/09/2018 2:49 PM
      100% fall.  I struggle with the change in daylight, but summer is just too hot for me. I love all aspects of fall, and the longer it lasts before true winter, the more time I have to adjust to all of the changes.

  • Kerri Russ's avatar
    Kerri Russ 10/08/2018 10:29 AM
    Ya know what makes this more fun than I anticipated?  My husband and son joining me in doing some of them over the weekend!  As a family, we sat and discussed what is important to us and what things we can work on as a family to bring us closer and provide more calm and satisfying interactions.  Having a teenager isn't easy, especially when I remember what a horrible teen I was.  Luckily, my son is more thoughtful and considerate to his parents than I was at his age.  But we talk and compromise, which helps us know each other better.  The hubby and I went for a walk in a large local park, playing Pokémon Go for exercise, and we sat under some trees for a half-hour or so and just listened to the birds, enjoyed the light misty rain that started to fall, and really were thankful we live where we do... lovely trees and rain!

    • Jennifer Nelson's avatar
      Jennifer Nelson 10/08/2018 2:29 PM
      If this was Shute Park, where a lot of people play Pokemon Go, I don't blame you for topping to enjoy the birds. It's such a wonderful community resource and little slice of nature!

  • Kerri Russ's avatar
    Kerri Russ 10/05/2018 2:39 PM
    It's not easy breaking from the rut of day-to-day living and actually paying attention to sleep, nature, time, and needs v. wants.  We get into our routines... waking, showering, dressing, driving, walking, working, eating, working, driving, watching TV, and sleeping... it's a never-ending cycle that becomes rote and mindless.  Re-learning how to be mindful of taking time to look around, enjoy, and reflect on what I'm actually doing each day is much more work that I thought.  I'll keep at it, though... it's all I can do is take each day as it comes and try, try again. :-)
    Simplicity Meditate
    What would you like to invest more time in reflecting on?

    Kerri Russ's avatar
    Kerri Russ 10/03/2018 8:36 AM
    Self-reflection is my first goal... what ways can I improve my behavior and outlook that will help the community at large?  How can I become a more positive role model to my family and friends?  Then I can use those answers to improve myself and go out in the community and help where needed.

    • Jennifer Nelson's avatar
      Jennifer Nelson 10/03/2018 9:08 AM
      This is a great goal! If you learn any lessons that you'd like to share, I'd benefit from your insight. :)
    Simplicity Needs Vs. Wants
    How is creativity necessary for practicing simplicity?

    Kerri Russ's avatar
    Kerri Russ 10/03/2018 8:33 AM
    It's easy to do what we've always done without thinking too much.  It takes thought and extra time to do things differently and come up with creative ways to get things done differently.  I'd love to have a tiny house because I'd be forced to evaluate everything I own to determine if I really need it or if I can donate it to someone else who can use it.  How would I store my clothes?  Will I have space to accommodate the supplies I need for my hobbies?  What solutions can I design to accomplish everything I need to accomplish every day?  It takes water to wash dishes so no one gets sick.  Using paper plates would be a solution to the water issue, but then, there's a garbage issue.  Garbage in general is a big problem, so composting and recycling are paramount to reducing garbage accumulation.