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October 3 - October 24, 2018

OLLI Climate Class Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Waste Reduce Single-Use Disposables
    Bringing your own bags and containers to the grocery store, and even to restaurants for leftovers, are a couple of ways to reduce your waste. What single-use items (e.g. straws, coffee cups, vegetable bags, plastic bags) do you regularly use? What could be substituted instead?

    Suzanne Sutherland's avatar
    Suzanne Sutherland 10/24/2018 1:25 PM
    I've been carrying my bags to the grocery store forever, well, not quite..... .  I decided to research how to reduce the produce plastic bags.  The new plan is to order my produce from Imperfect Produce.  Of course, this will make me cook more, resulting in less eating out, and fewer carryout boxes! 

  • Suzanne Sutherland's avatar
    Suzanne Sutherland 10/24/2018 1:18 PM
    Decluttering - what a challenge that is!  Today I sorted a box of music and selected about half of it to recycle - sell on ebay or pass on to friends who are music teachers with students who could use it!  

  • Suzanne Sutherland's avatar
    Suzanne Sutherland 10/24/2018 1:03 PM
    Ok, so I started out doing a little bit and being annoyed about the constant reminders to check in.  But then I got more involved in learning and discovered that the resources on the site are incredible.  I added a few more challenges, learned a lot more about how to contribute to saving our planet, and even started making my own yogurt to save plastic (yes, it wasn't one of the challenges, but seemed a good thing!). Had fun!
    Health Exercise Daily
    How can you incorporate other personal values (like quality time with friends or spending time in nature) into your exercise routine?

    Suzanne Sutherland's avatar
    Suzanne Sutherland 10/24/2018 9:22 AM
    Establish a regular time to accompany my friend on her walk to the office at least once a week.  Random planning doesn't work so well!
    Transportation Choose a Carbon Offset
    A round-trip flight from New York City to Los Angeles emits just over 1.5 tons of CO2—per person. That’s a lot of carbon! What can you do to reduce the number of flights you take per year?

    Cynthia Linton's avatar
    Cynthia Linton 10/21/2018 7:31 PM
    I have begun taking fewer plane trips this year and when I do fly from now on I will buy carbon offsets. I just bought a round-trip ticket from Chicago to San Diego and bought a carbon offset for that. Now I know how to do it. United Airlines has a plan but you have to search to find it.

  • Cynthia Linton's avatar
    Cynthia Linton 10/19/2018 6:42 PM
    I did the eco-challenge last year and it helped me change habits regarding food waste. Doing something for two or three weeks is a good way to think about old habits that would be good to change. I am a pescatarian, but I need to eat more vegetables and fruits, so I chose the challenge to add 2 cups of veggies and fruits each day. Some days I do it. When I am rushed for lunch I tend not to make my quota.
    Health Happiness
    How does/can practicing gratitude keep you centered and motivated to work for a better world?

    Cynthia Linton's avatar
    Cynthia Linton 10/19/2018 6:37 PM
    Gratitude helps you see all the good things that have happened to you and helps you focus on the positive, rather than being depressed and giving up.
    Health More Fruits and Veggies
    What do you think contributes to people in North America eating more meat than any other places, and what does this say about North American values and ways of living? How can we start shifting from a meat-focused food culture to a more plant-based one?

    Cynthia Linton's avatar
    Cynthia Linton 10/19/2018 6:33 PM
    North Americans are relatively well-off financially and therefore able to afford meat. There also has been plenty of land on which to graze cattle. Our Judeo-Christian roots do not value domesticated animals as, say those in India do. It is not going to be easy to shift Americans to a plant-based diet, though many younger people are vegetarians or vegans for ethical reasons. 

  • Cynthia Linton's avatar
    Cynthia Linton 10/08/2018 6:59 PM
    I'm finding it difficult to add two full cups of fruits and veggies each day. Missed the target two days this weekend. I find the main problem is not having enough fruit or lettuce at home, so I am buying more produce. The other problem I've noticed is when I eat out. I will have to have a large salad either when I go out or for the meal at home that day. Most restaurants don't offer fruit. Today my lunch on the run was 2 bananas and my dinner a large Caesar salad. I'm determined to do this and make it a habit.

  • Suzanne Sutherland's avatar
    Suzanne Sutherland 10/08/2018 6:59 PM
    Not too bad, but difficult to keep up the exercise when I am sick!  Feeling better today, hope to be well tomorrow.  I do like the incentive to do the 40 minutes of exercise daily.