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October 3 - October 24, 2018
Jamie Brame's avatar

Jamie Brame

Asheville Area Episcopal Youth

"I will do my part to make the wqrld greener, living more intentionally and in touch with the earth."


  • 0 TODAY
  • 701 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    meatless or vegan meals
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors
  • UP TO
    not spent in front of a screen
  • UP TO
    plastic straws
    not sent to the landfill

Jamie's actions


Turn it off

I will keep lights, electronics, and appliances turned off when not using them.



Reduce Animal Products

I will enjoy 1 meatless meal(s) and/or 0 vegan meal(s) each day this week.



Say No to Plastic Straws

An estimated 71% of seabirds and 30% of turtles have been found with plastics in their stomachs. When they ingest plastic, marine life has a 50% mortality rate. By asking for no straw when placing a drink order, I will keep 3 plastic straw(s) of out of the ocean each day.



5-Minute Showers

I will save up to 20 gallons (75 L) of water each day by taking 5-minute showers.



Spend Time Outside

I will replace 15 minute(s) each day typically spent inside (computer time, watching television, etc.) with quality time outside.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Jamie Brame's avatar
    Jamie Brame 10/24/2018 7:01 AM
    Final day of the challenge (or maybe it was yesterday?). I've been faithful to my personal challenges and only missed one day (because of an incredibly long day at work) checking in!  I doubt I will walk by a light switch without checking to make sure it's off (even the automatic lights at work usually get my attention - and my action! - sorry, co-workers! Straws are a thing of the past (unless I purchase a permanent one to carry everywhere I go - probably not!). I have to admit that less-then-five-minute showers was the easiest of all these: standing around letting the water run over me only happens when I am extremely cold, which is also rare; it drives me nuts when guests are at the house and take 10- or even 15-minute showeres (yes, that occasionally happens, or at least seems like it happens). Going outside is pretty much part of my job in the summer, but as temperatures cool, I find less reason to do it, so this challenge has made me mindful of getting outdoors more. I'm grateful St. James was part of this, and glad that I participated. It was both educational and fun!
    Energy Turn it off
    How is electricity generated where you live? How does it impact the environment, animals, and humans?

    Jamie Brame's avatar
    Jamie Brame 10/24/2018 6:47 AM
    About half of western NC's energy comes from coal. Other resources include gas and hydro-electric. At this time, there is no nuclear plants in the area. 

    Coal, of course, is a horrible pollutant: not only does it tear up the planet when it is mined, smoke and leftover sludge are both detrimental to the environment. Coal is nasty, as we used to say when I was a kid and visited family members who burned coal in fireplaces and stoves. Anywhere that it is mined, the surrounding areas look ripped apart, people living in the areas seem to be economically challenged, and there is no telling what happens to animals and plant life that are uprooted as land is appropriated for mining. It's not good.

    Natural gas extractionand transportation in pipelines results in leaking methane, which can cause global warming. I don't understand the science: I just know that methane, a primary ingredient in natural gas, is a major pollutant. I've not read much about ways of extracting natural gas, but fracking is one of the easiest and most dangerous ways. And we are beginning to see the large impact fracking makes on people, animals, and land. It's not good.
    Nature Spend Time Outside
    Rachel Carson said that we need the beauty and mysteries of the natural world for our spiritual and emotional development. Does that ring true for you? What are the implications for a culture that spends most of its time indoors?

    Jamie Brame's avatar
    Jamie Brame 10/23/2018 5:50 PM
    Being outside is seasonal for me, usually. My work has me outdoors most of the day from early June until mid-August, then less and less as weather gets cooler. The problem for a culture that is indoors is that the connection between human life and the life of the natural world becomes less obvious, and so we tend to believe that it doesn't really matter what happens outdoors. Practices like the EcoChallenge help us to be outside, to experience wind and rain and sun and leaves falling and flowers and animals around us and realize how much we are part of their lives (and their deaths, sad to say); being with them could possibly help us want to work harder to save them. Once can only hope - and go outdoors!
    Food Reduce Animal Products
    What do you think contributes to people in North America eating more meat than in other places, and what does this say about North American values and ways of living? How do we start shifting a meat-focused food culture?

    Jamie Brame's avatar
    Jamie Brame 10/22/2018 2:49 PM
    Probably, those of us who were reared by parents who grew up poor in the Depression of the 1930's were fed meat because that generation's wealth grew to a point where they could actually afford meat on tables regularly; the result is that Baby Boomers grew up expecting meat at almost every meal. With the counter-cultural movements that began in the mid-1960's, the beginnings of change were born by those same Baby Boomers. Unlike technological change, changing diets (like changing minds!) is a huge ship to turn around. Starting the change with children is the best way to make the shift. 
    Water Say No to Plastic Straws
    What single-use items (e.g. straws, coffee cups, vegetable bags, plastic bags) do you regularly use? What could be substituted instead?

    Jamie Brame's avatar
    Jamie Brame 10/20/2018 4:40 PM
    We use plasticWe bags. We keep them to use with our cat's litter box when we clean it. We use them as trash bags in our cars, and sometimes use them to carry food when we travel. We are looking for options for other car trash and carrying food, but I have found them to work better than anything else (when they do not have holes) for dirty litter.
    Water 5-Minute Showers
    Five minute showers are an impressive step toward reducing your water footprint. What is the next step you can take?

    Jamie Brame's avatar
    Jamie Brame 10/18/2018 10:54 AM
    I will keep my showers short and save more water by putting out rain barrels for watering the outside plants and garden.

  • Jamie Brame's avatar
    Jamie Brame 10/10/2018 9:17 AM
    I was not expecting to be dreaming about the EcoChallenge, but two nights in the past week, I have! It would be nice to be able to say they were good dreams, but I found them to be more exhausting than anything else. Getting used to being more careful and mindful about the environment is something I hope will come more naturally with this event. Renae and I have done small things, like recycle and trying to watch our electricity output, but learning to do things at work like turning out even the automatic lights takes some clear thinking. Glad that we're part of this, though. And here's hoping that the dreams become less strenuous over this and more hopeful!

  • Jamie Brame's avatar
    Jamie Brame 10/05/2018 12:25 PM
    So far, I've remembered to check in for three days in a row. The effort comes in trying to remember to do a couple of the challenges each day, but they are happening. It stays on my mind throughout the day at the moment as well! Glad to be part of this.