Michelle Hollis
- 627 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO110plastic strawsnot sent to the landfill
UP TO22whole food mealsconsumed
UP TO42more servingsof fruits and vegetables
UP TO115minutesspent learning
Michelle's actions
Recycle Everything I Can
Contamination prevents what is recyclable from being recycled. I will spend 5 minutes researching and recycling all materials that are accepted by local haulers or drop stations in my community.
Skip the Straw
Plastic bags and small plastic pieces like straws are most likely to get swept into our waterways. I will keep 5 plastic straw(s) out of the landfill and ocean each day by refusing straws or using my own glass/metal straw.
Find Local Recycling Depots
I will spend at least 5 minutes finding out where to recycle the recyclable items that I can't put in my curbside bin.
I will write down three things every day that I am grateful for, or send one email every day thanking or praising someone.
Whole Foods Diet
I will enjoy 1 meal(s) each day free of processed foods.
More Fruits and Veggies
I will eat a heart healthy diet by adding 2 cup(s) of fruits and vegetables each day to achieve at least 4 cups per day.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
Michelle Hollis 10/24/2018 6:30 AMI have really enjoyed the EcoChallenge this year. -
Michelle Hollis 10/23/2018 6:17 AMSmall Habit Changes Can make a large IMPACT. -
Michelle Hollis 10/23/2018 6:17 AMThese should be memorized, Reduce, Reuse, recycle. -
Michelle Hollis 10/23/2018 6:16 AMMindfully Cleaning, choosing cleaning products that are earth friendly. -
Michelle Hollis 10/23/2018 6:15 AMThis challenge has really opened my eyes to small changes that can be made everyday. -
Michelle Hollis 10/22/2018 1:27 PMThis time of year makes me think about different ways to help our communities. -
Michelle Hollis 10/22/2018 12:32 PMThis wonderful weather makes me want to everything outside. -
Michelle Hollis 10/19/2018 6:12 AMChallenge, has made me think outside the box. To come up with new ideas and ways of doing every day tasks. -
Michelle Hollis 10/18/2018 2:04 PMEcoChallenge is almost over, it has gone by so fast. -
Michelle Hollis 10/18/2018 6:20 AMWhat a great day outside, I am so ready for Fall!!