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October 3 - October 24, 2018

Central-Indiana Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Jon Sturm's avatar
    Jon Sturm 10/05/2018 4:45 PM
    Enjoyed a 3-mile walk outside today.
    Community Express My Support
    What sustainability issues are most pressing or prominent where you live?

    Jon Sturm's avatar
    Jon Sturm 10/04/2018 7:14 PM
    Check local listings! But I started with town and county council members and worked my way up to the state level. Remember these are REPRESENTATIVES not "leaders"; they represent us!!

  • Jon Sturm's avatar
    Jon Sturm 10/04/2018 6:14 PM
    Looking at next week for a day to work from home to save nearly 2 hours of my day... and reduce my carbon output for the day.
    Simplicity De-Clutter My Home
    How can you prevent yourself from accumulating more things in the future?

    Jon Sturm's avatar
    Jon Sturm 10/04/2018 6:11 PM
    So... when I declutter it often means moving something from one room to the next. Not this time! Straight to the trunk and then to Habitat for Humanity or another charitable organization.
    Health Avoid refined sugar
    Before you started this challenge, did you think you were 'addicted' to sugar? How do you feel now?

    Jon Sturm's avatar
    Jon Sturm 10/04/2018 4:46 AM
    Avoiding refined sugar is hard. We have sugary snacks everywhere.
    Food Whole Foods Diet
    Michael Pollan states that "it is better to pay the grocer (our edit: or the farmer!) than the doctor." What are your thoughts on this?

    Jon Sturm's avatar
    Jon Sturm 10/04/2018 4:44 AM
    Again... HomeChef brings farm fresh food right to my door in just the right amounts so that we minimize waste. 
    Food Choose Organic Ingredients
    Can organic farming feed the world? Which side of the argument do you fall on? Why?

    Jon Sturm's avatar
    Jon Sturm 10/04/2018 4:41 AM
    All of our ingredients are from HomeChef, which uses just the right amount of fresh fruit and vegetables... sourced from local area farms. No waste. And worth it.
    Energy Power Down the Computer
    What are other easy things you could do to save energy and reduce your environmental footprint?

    Jon Sturm's avatar
    Jon Sturm 10/04/2018 4:39 AM
    I power of all of my computers and printers every night. It's a habit I've been trying to get into recently. My electric bill sees a difference... and it is harder to hack a computer that doesn't wake via network activity.
    Energy Choose Clean/Renewable Energy
    How might you be able to get others involved in advocating for the shift to clean energy?

    Jon Sturm's avatar
    Jon Sturm 10/03/2018 7:41 PM
    Easy peasy. Contact duke energy for the green option. (Indianapolis area)

  • Jon Sturm's avatar
    Jon Sturm 10/03/2018 7:40 PM
    Today is the first day of the challenge! Bring it!