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October 3 - October 24, 2018

JeansEcoTeam Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Waste Use Reusable Bags
    What do you do if you find yourself in the situation of needing a bag for items but don't have a reuseable one with you? Carry things out in your hands? In a cart? Accept a disposable one? If you find yourself in this position often, what system could you put in place to try to establish this a successful habit?

    Jean Henderson's avatar
    Jean Henderson 10/15/2018 9:57 AM
    My bags are always in my car, but I do forget on occasion to bring one into the store for small items.  So, at checkout, I put the items (unbagged) into the cart....push the cart to my car and load the items into my reusable bags and boxes.
    Simplicity Go for a Daily Walk
    Fresh air and movement are good for our entire being and can help us think more clearly and creatively. How does taking a walk each day affect yourself and/or your work?

    Jean Henderson's avatar
    Jean Henderson 10/15/2018 9:53 AM
    A daily walk keeps my joints loose and keeps my mind at peace.  It is an amazing way to balance out all the craziness.
    Food Whole Foods Diet
    Michael Pollan states that "it is better to pay the grocer (our edit: or the farmer!) than the doctor." What are your thoughts on this?

    Jean Henderson's avatar
    Jean Henderson 10/15/2018 9:52 AM
    I agree.  Good diet, preventive, self care are not only more cost effective but they help us to live our best lives.
    Energy Install Alternative Energy
    How is your region being affected by climate change? How will it be affected in the future?

    Jean Henderson's avatar
    Jean Henderson 10/09/2018 4:02 AM
    In Cincinnati, the temperature in October and late September has been in the 80-89 degree range which is not ordinary.  According to the Army Corp of engineers in this area, the land space just north the Ohio River will be experiencing more rain and a wetter world; at the same time areas just south of the river, in Kentucky will be experiencing drought. The mosquito season is longer, so I assume other insects that carry disease are more prevalent. This has been my first experience with a CSA, so I'm eating vegetables that are only in season.  I'd like to know if some vegetable growing seasons were altered due to the changing climate.