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October 3 - October 24, 2018
Alex Zenzano's avatar

Alex Zenzano

Environmental Studies 171


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  • 330 TOTAL

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  • UP TO
    meatless or vegan meals

Alex's actions


Needs Vs. Wants

I will adopt a "Needs Vs. Wants" approach and only buy things I need.



Reduce Animal Products

I will enjoy 0 meatless meal(s) and/or 3 vegan meal(s) each day this week.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Alex Zenzano's avatar
    Alex Zenzano 10/24/2018 10:12 PM
    For the last few days I've been thinking about what I'll do once the challenge ends.  I'll definitely continue not eating animal products, since it's become so easy. There's a vegan recipe for just about everything, even the Mexican food I've grown up eating thats usually filled with meat or dairy products. I'll probably start only buying vegan hair and beauty products since it wont be too big of a change from only using cruelty free brands. I'd also say I'm not going to buy leather or fur, but honestly I already dont since it's way cheaper not to.
    I don't think I've fully adopted a 'needs vs wants' attitude when it comes to shopping just yet, but I think I've made a lot of progress. I'm naturally a materialistic person, and I'm so used to everyone close to me hoarding one thing or another, but I've acknowledged that over the last 3 weeks and I don't think I've ever done that before. Moving on I have a better idea of what I actually need and I think that's what's become the most important.

  • Alex Zenzano's avatar
    Alex Zenzano 10/21/2018 11:31 PM
    Friday I honestly blew it on both my challenges out of probably not caring enough. There was no food left in my house so I ate a cookie with eggs in it and then later I ordered a new nose ring. To be completely fair I was hungry and I was sick of looking at my own nose, but whatever, they were two small mistakes.
    Anyways, I feel like the more I use social media, specifically Instagram, the more I end up wanting things. My entire feed is filled with brands trying to sell things or influencers trying to promote those brands. It's not malicious, everyone's just trying to earn a living, but it doesn't seem healthy to scroll through an endless collection of advertisements. It always leaves me wanting new clothes so I can look like someone else or new pens so I can create like some else, when in reality I can't buy my way into being someone I'm not. 

  • Alex Zenzano's avatar
    Alex Zenzano 10/17/2018 9:20 PM
    I feel like the biggest necessity when it comes to practicing simplicity is gratefulness. When I actively remember to be thankful I get the feeling that I have everything I'll ever want. 
    On a separate note I also feel like I need to remind myself why I like having a vegan diet. I do feel like I'm healthier when I'm not eating animal products and I'm not giving money to factory farms that mistreat animals, but I'm not as passionate about it as I should be. Next time I have some free time I need to do some more research on the benefits since I haven't done that in few years and only a few vague points have stuck with me.

  • Alex Zenzano's avatar
    Alex Zenzano 10/15/2018 12:44 AM
    I've narrowed my needs down to a pretty small list, excluding the obvious food, shelter, water, and hygiene products. I need enough clothes to be comfortable year round and not feel gross, textbooks and other school related things, art supplies, books, a laptop, headphones, and a phone. Having an actual idea of what my needs are versus my wants puts everything into a much clearer perspective. There's a lot less room to convince myself I have to have something I want, but there's also less guilt behind buying something that makes my life more comfortable.
    On a loosely related note, foods I need to be vegan without having to put much thought into it includes: a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole wheat bread, popcorn, and almond milk. It's crazy how quickly I could get back into maintaining a vegan diet, although I do miss fruit snacks with their oddly delicious gelatin.

  • Alex Zenzano's avatar
    Alex Zenzano 10/11/2018 9:20 PM
    Today I've made a very important decision: Two markers for inktober are a justifiable need, but 6 Infinity War themed, scented, rollerball lip glosses are just a want. I really need to avoid art supply stores though because there is no way I need glitter pens, but if I see them I'll mentally search for an excuse to label them a need.

    • Alicia Vidal's avatar
      Alicia Vidal 10/12/2018 12:17 PM
      Haha I do this too at art supply stores. Luckily the price usually makes me second-guess

  • Alex Zenzano's avatar
    Alex Zenzano 10/10/2018 12:52 AM
    Monday I accidentally ate mayo that contains eggs, but its not a huge deal. If I weren't always half asleep I probably would've caught my mistake, but I am and I didn't. However it had me thinking about how there's a wide range of vegans with differing levels of commitment. Some people still love to put honey in their tea while others can go off about how processed sugars are filteredby bones. Both sides are totally fine, though. I feel like a lot of people are put off by the more intense side, but trust me almost no one cares if you own a wool blanket and eat gummy vitamins.
    I haven't had much time to think about shopping in the last two days, but I have thought a bit about what I consider "needs". My mom grew up with a single pair of shoes at a time, but for whatever reason I need a pair of tennis shoes, boots, sandals, and heels. As time goes on have we really started needing more or convinced ourselves that we need more? I can't wear boots to the beach or tennis shoes to a wedding, but it feels excessive in a way. It could just be societal pressures that result in the feeling that they're a need, but maybe it's just practical.

  • Alex Zenzano's avatar
    Alex Zenzano 10/07/2018 10:52 PM
    I didn't stick to my simplicity challenge Friday at the goodwill bins, but I don't regret getting what I did, even though I definitely didn't need 3 new tops. I figure it's better that I use what i got instead of letting them go straight into a landfill. As for not eating animal products, I've discovered I hate nothing more than having to ask a waiter "Is this vegan". It's obviously not a huge deal, but it makes me feel like a bit of a loser.

    • Stella Burlingame's avatar
      Stella Burlingame 10/08/2018 8:06 PM
      It's a bummer that there's such a stigma surrounding veganism but I think it's awesome that you're making an effort to eat ethically! Seems like most judgement comes from peoples' insecurity about their own personal choices and you should be really proud :)

  • Alex Zenzano's avatar
    Alex Zenzano 10/04/2018 9:14 PM
    So far going vegans been okay, I've done it before and I love it, it's just hard to get back into things. Luckily I already know what surprisingly non-vegan foods to avoid and what animal product replacements are good (because the bad ones are really bad). 
    Adopting a 'needs-vs-wants' attitude to shopping has been a bit harder though. I feel like I haven't adopted the mindset yet, like i'm just postponing getting the things I want rather than comprehending that I don't need them.