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October 3 - October 24, 2018

Ecoçhallange Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Jason Saves The World's avatar
    Jason Saves The World 11/02/2018 4:19 PM
    Does this event start again next October?
    Food Organize a Course
    How can you use NWEI programs to help mobilize your community to take action toward a sustainable future?

    Michael  V's avatar
    Michael V 10/24/2018 5:50 PM
    It helps people learn about food and our environment

  • Toaster Vernooy's avatar
    Toaster Vernooy 10/24/2018 5:18 PM
    Need I say more?
    Simplicity Less Screen Time
    What did you notice in implementing this challenge? Was it hard to choose other activities over screen time? How did you decide to spend your time?

    Toaster Vernooy's avatar
    Toaster Vernooy 10/24/2018 4:53 PM
    I noticed that I spent my time doing things that I really enjoy, like playing violin or reading, instead of wasting my time. It wasn't very hard for me to choose these things over screen time, since I really like doing those activities.

  • Toaster Vernooy's avatar
    Toaster Vernooy 10/24/2018 4:50 PM
    'What have you noticed about your purchases? Where are you inclined to make shifts, if any?'

    I honestly don't really buy anything much. For some things, friends and I pool money together to buy something (like we did for the 'Menu for the Future book). If I do buy something, it is normally very inexpensive and is something that I intend to use a lot (like a book that I know I will read - over and over.)

  • Toaster Vernooy's avatar
    Toaster Vernooy 10/24/2018 3:21 PM
    Last day of ecochallenge! We are going to continue our discussion course during lunches - our first two meetings were pretty successful.
    Community Raise Money For a Nonprofit
    How do/can NWEI programs help you develop a stronger sense of community?

    Kristal Lin's avatar
    Kristal Lin 10/23/2018 6:20 PM
    NWEI programs make me become physically and mentally more aware of the earth, and what I can do to help the community.
    Nature Leave No Trace
    Educator Stephanie Kaza advises her students to focus on what they care about most when addressing the enormity of ecological problems. Is there a specific area you feel particularly called to work on?

    Kyle The builder's avatar
    Kyle The builder 10/23/2018 4:56 PM
    I feel that one problem in my community is the amount of garbage left on community hiking trails. I definitely feel called to work in that area.
    Food Organize a Course
    How can you use NWEI programs to help mobilize your community to take action toward a sustainable future?

    Kyle The builder's avatar
    Kyle The builder 10/23/2018 4:53 PM
    We can share ideas from the course with others.
    Energy Turn it off
    How is electricity generated where you live? How does it impact the environment, animals, and humans?

    Elicia Esmeris's avatar
    Elicia Esmeris 10/23/2018 3:50 PM
    A new solar power farm started getting built in Niskayuna around a year ago. Solar energy not only saves the environment, but but it could also reduce the cost of our electric bills.