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October 3 - October 24, 2018

The Circle School Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Nature Forage for My Food
    Amongst the motivations for foraging are: a source of food; means of income; connecting with nature; cultural tradition; or transmitting "local ecological knowledge, and a means for stewarding local and native plant populations" (McLain et al. 2012, 13). Which of these would be your chief motivation and why?

    The Circle School Possums's avatar
    The Circle School Possums 10/16/2018 12:02 PM
    My chief motivation is to connect with nature. The thought of picking and eating my own produce and having the ability to do that city-wide (when possible) is exciting. Eventually, after scouting enough locations, I can then possess local knowledge that I can share with others.

  • The Circle School Possums's avatar
    The Circle School Possums 10/16/2018 12:00 PM
    One of the most interesting tasks on here is under Nature, Forage for Food. Under Learn More, there is a map showing locations where you can pick fruit fresh from a tree.  A lot of the locations are private, but not all of them are. I plan on checking some out and hoping I don't get shot!

  • Priscilla Sanchez-Silva's avatar
    Priscilla Sanchez-Silva 10/10/2018 5:42 PM
    So many great ideas posted  

  • Priscilla Sanchez-Silva's avatar
    Priscilla Sanchez-Silva 10/09/2018 9:43 AM
    Trying to  check in every day  

  • Priscilla Sanchez-Silva's avatar
    Priscilla Sanchez-Silva 10/08/2018 7:32 PM
    I forgot about this challenge but kept my reusable water bottle and bags around so I still created points!

  • Cesar Silva's avatar
    Cesar Silva 10/08/2018 7:23 PM
    Doing a little bit everyday 

  • Cesar Silva's avatar
    Cesar Silva 10/08/2018 7:23 PM
    We're excited to begin the challenge

  • Priscilla Sanchez-Silva's avatar
    Priscilla Sanchez-Silva 10/04/2018 8:57 AM
    Day1 it feels like we can make  a  difference  

  • Angela Beck's avatar
    Angela Beck 10/03/2018 11:45 AM
    Watched the start up video, and I'm ready to make an impact in this world! Song Room is on board. Let's go Circle School!

  • Angela Beck's avatar
    Angela Beck 9/28/2018 2:39 PM
    Excited to start EcoChallenge with our new group of Changemakers!!